Green Tea Prevents Skin Cancer.

A green tea antioxidant that prevents skin cancer is the result of scientific research into the polyphenols of Camellia sinensis. A polyphenol is a compound that is a metabolite of a plant and it just so happens that green tea antioxidants are in fact polyphenols.

The main polyphenol that is responsible for providing protection to the skin against the UV radiation that comes from the sun is called epigallocatechin-3-gallate. It therefore is able to shield you against skin damage and skin cancer.

Skin cancer is not the only thing that green tea antioxidants can defend you against. Another really common form of cancer among women is breast cancer and again research has shown that the green tea antioxidant can be beneficial in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

The research has also shown that another advantageous area in which green tea can help is protection from colon, gastric and prostate cancers.

It is very powerful and very useful to our bodies in helping us not to contract those nasty conditions.

A lot of people like to drink as cup of green tea daily which is fine however I know people that hate the taste of it and therefore need to take green tea as an extract instead.

I was introduced to an amazing supplement by a friend last year that contains among other things green tea antioxidant polyphenols. At first I wasn't too keen on taking it as I had never had taken supplements before and I always thought that I didn't need them as my food would provide me with the nutrition that I needed.

I was wrong as besides decaffeinated green tea extract this supplement contains over 70 other life protecting ingredients. There amazing and I wouldn't be without them now. Just to give you an idea of their power they contain items like resveratrol, turmeric, ginko biloba and many others all expertly blended together to provide your body with the right amount of nutrients that it needs to keep your body in balance.

They also help to reverse the aging clock so instead of just getting green tea antioxidants you get polyphenols from a greater variety of sources.

For more information on batting aging and optimal healthy living visit my website today.
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