Acai Berry Research - University of Florida Says Acai Fruit Fights Human Cancer Cells

Berry coal from the palm of research is beginning to develop. Since the gains popularity of berries, more and more scientists and food, scientists are searching for their health properties.

A study particularly interesting was the University of Florida at Gainesvile, Florida. The University of Florida indicates that Açaí palm fruit juice triggered destroy itself a response in 86% of human cancer cells. Yes, cabbage palm Berry actually killed cancer cells in a petri dish in the laboratory test.

Stephen Talcott, Assistant Professor, and one of the researchers, we are encouraged by the results of links, which show good efficacy against cancer cells in a model system the most positive effects in our bodies. He added: "We have just begun to understand the complexity of the palm of coal Berry, juice, and promote the health of its effects."

Because of the antioxidant and nutrient content of Açaí palm Berry, it is not surprising that more and more benefits are still remarkable discoveries and health promotion properties are validated with small purple berries.

In the Brazilian forest, its residents received help from the palm of coal Berry for literally hundreds and hundreds of years ... give their women after childbirth and many others for health reasons, and suffering.

Until European men arrived in diseases, there were hardly any diseases in the forest. There was no diabetes, heart disease or cancer. Can we attribute carbon on the palm of Berry? Scientists are searching for the answer to this question.

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Acai Berry Research - University of Florida Says Acai Fruit Fights Human Cancer Cells | admin | 5


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