Cancers That Affect Men.

There are so many kinds of cancer and almost all are on the increase although many are now curable. I find it unbelievable that there are still people in denial about cancer, people who say that the connection between smoking and cancer is still unproven, for example.

The connection between smoking and cancer was first noticed by a man called Samuel Tas Sommering who noticed that cancer of the lips was more predominant in smokers than none smokers. There has been plenty of time to investigate his observations as he made the statement in 1795.

Many cancers affect men and women but a few are specifically associated with one or the other. As you would expect these gender related cancers are probably the least talked about because they affect those parts of the body which make us male or female, the reproductive and sex related organs. Cancer is one of the most feared diseases known to modern man (although it is far from being the most common). Still the biggest cancer killer of all is lung cancer, which makes no distinction between the sexes in its effect, but women seem to have slightly reduced chances of getting it, even with a similar lifestyle. Try one of the links to the right to find out more about this sometimes tragic disease.

The three which affect only men are :

Testicular cancer - which is unusual because it is mainly a young (20-35) man’s illness

Prostate cancer which mainly affects older men, (but note, neither of these are exclusive to one age group) and

Penile cancer, which is rare at any age, only 1 in 1,000,000 in America, so still a much higher chance than winning the national lottery, but it does exist.
Anything unusual in or around the genitals should be reported without delay, most things men notice are not serious but some can be! There have been advances in cancer care and treatments over recent years which have improved cure rates significantly. Cancer is not the death sentence it was once thought to be. The key to our much improved cure rates seems to be to do with early detection. For men (and women) this means spotting changes to your body as quickly as possible.

There is also much good news on the treatments available and many cancers which were incurable a few years ago are now regularly cured. Here are some facts about cancer without any frills. If you are concerned in any way it is imperative that you see your doctor without delay.


Cancer affects more men than women.

Cancer is not catching.

There is a proven link between certain substances and certain cancers, such as sunlight and skin cancer, and cigarette smoke and lung cancer.

There is a known reduction in cancer incidence amongst people who eat certain foods such as many vegetables.

The main cancers in men are (in order of numbers affected) lung cancer, bowel cancer, prostate cancer and stomach cancer. Of these only prostate cancer is exclusive to men.

Cancer of the testicles is also obviously exclusive to men, and is unusual in that it attacks mostly younger men.


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