After The Diagnosis Of Cancer: How Do You and Your Spouse.

All shocked when she first time the word cancer. Some people may feel that they know the test results before they are heard, but still a shock to hear the words aloud. As a rule, it is very difficult to listen, or anything even remember hearing that their loved one has cancer.

For many people, in the first weeks after diagnosis are the most difficult. After hearing the word cancer, you may have trouble listening to what was said and ask questions you may have. If in your home, you may have difficulty thinking, eat or sleep. Remember that not always feel this way. We are all trying to figure out how and why this happened. What went wrong? We want answers, and you can make the madness. Each cancer is different and there are no easy answers.

You and your favorite people, many feelings after hearing the word cancer. These feelings can be from day to day, hour to hour and even minute to minute. Some of the feelings of both by, may include:


If you agree that your loved one has cancer, you can feel the anger and fear. It is normal that we ask, why? and be angry:

His friends and loved ones healthy
If you are religious, perhaps even angry at God

Sometimes anger comes from the feelings that are difficult to prove - as fear, anxiety, despair, anxiety and despair. If you feel anger and not act as if everything is fine. Tell us about your anger. Most of the time, the talk will help you feel better. Managers often does not feel like they have a right to these feelings, but simply that the patient has cancer. Cancer, of course, affects the whole family, and you must acknowledge these feelings, and they work for the benefit of all.


The word "cancer" scares all that I know! Can fear or worry about:

Tips for your loved one
Tips for your family
Pay accounts
Protect your own work, take care of your loved one
The loss of your loved one

Most people feel better when they know what to expect. They feel less afraid to learn more about specific types of cancer and its treatment .... that all that I can read and learn as much as possible about your loved to cancer. Do not withdraw the word cancer. Knowing the facts, and recommended treatment to reduce his fear, and you make a stronger partner of your loved one.


His body can react to stress and anxiety for your loved one with cancer. You can learn how to cope with stress in many ways, including:

In an interview with people in the same situation as you
Listen to music
Reading books, poems, journals or
Relax or meditate
Talking about your feelings with family and close friends
Write your feelings in the magazine to get more clarity around them

The key is to find ways to control stress and not allowed to control.

Lack of control.

The first time you know that your loved one has cancer, you may feel as if your life is out of control. You may think that this is so because:

He is now with a focus on visits to the doctor and treatment
They feel helpless
They think that you have no time to do things normally do

Remain on what we can do right now to improve the situation. And remember, there will always be the case.


It is possible that your friends or friends do not know how to cope with your loved one, cancer patients, and can not ask or know what to say. They can not focus or energy to participate in hobbies and activities that benefit sooner. And sometimes, even if you are with the people you love and care about you feeling that no one understands what is happening around the world focuses on your loved one.

Consider yourself a support group or talk with a close friend or family member, understands. Always helps to know that they are not alone.


Once you have agreed that their loved one has a uterus, often feel a sense of hope. There are many reasons to feel hope.

People suffering from cancer, can (and do) engage in an active way of life, even during treatment
Your chances of your loved one in life - and continue to live - Cancer is better now than they ever before, many doctors and other experts believe that more hope can help to treat the body with cancer. Scientists are exploring whether hope and positive attitude helps people feel better. Are you sure you helps you also hope loved.

Here are some examples of how your sense of hope:

Write your feelings and I hope to talk to other people
Planning your day in general have done
They limit the things you enjoy
Consciousness, try grounds for hope

They are faced with many emotions, as you learn to live with his family diagnosis of cancer. It's OK for the time to grieve and let sink in diagnosis may be felt as a loss of freedom and security, but not always the case. Life continues, and your loved to cancer Just another point in your life that you have to try. Once you are dealing with this cancer in the head, there is nothing you can do!


After The Diagnosis Of Cancer: How Do You and Your Spouse. | admin | 5