Vitamins and minerals is now an integral part of everyday life for millions of people around the world today and not look far for an ad for another product which was developed to you or to feel better, give you more energy or cure a range of common, and not as widespread suffering.
Many of us take vitamins and mineral supplements on a regular basis and this is especially true because we, for a little longer. However, in the case of men, particularly men in a family history of prostate cancer, it was shown they can do themselves more harm than good.
Five years in a recent study by the National Cancer Institute and the participation of nearly 300,000 men, it was found that men who were regularly more than the recommended daily dose of a multi-vitamin tablet per day increases risk of advanced cancer of the prostate by about thirty percent. In addition, the risk of death for prostate cancer in advanced stage of the study was doubled. The study also concluded that there is a significantly higher risk in a subgroup of men who have a family history of prostate cancer or who also selenium, beta-carotene and zinc supplements.
A very important result of this study was that, in any increase in the total number of prostate cancer in the study group, which means that there is no proposal that the excessive use of vitamins, because the causes of prostate cancer.
However, in the case of members of the task force, multi-vitamins in excess of their development, the risk of prostate cancer was advanced by almost one third of their risk of dying from cancer of advanced prostate was doubled.
Vitamins and mineral supplements have been for hundreds of years, significant health benefits of today and multi-million-dollar industry has been established to meet the growing needs of our increasingly from a number of supplements. In fact, several supplements, such as green tea extract (EGCG), have been in recent years for men suffering from prostate problems. How this study does means that we need to take supplements?
Not all of them. First, the study shows clearly that the problem arises that men, more than the recommended daily dose of normal multi-vitamins, and there is no reference at all to recommend any risk, as your Home within levels recommended daily dose. Second, because the multi-vitamins, it is not possible at this stage only say what is the component (or components), the origin of the problem. At the moment, more study is clearly needed if we isolate the real root of the problem.
The balance, if you think you to supplement your diet with vitamins, then the benefits are certainly weighing the risks. Just be careful and do not take you more than you need and your doctor recommends.
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