The pancreas is a gland is deep in the belly of the stomach and the spine (backbone). The liver, intestines and other organs surrounding the pancreas.
The pancreas is about 6 inches long and shaped like a pear plate. Most of the pancreas is the head of the center section, the body, thinner and the eastern part of the tail.
The pancreas is insulin and other hormones. These hormones are in the blood and travel through the body. They help the body use or store energy, food. For example, insulin helps the amount of sugar in the blood.
The pancreas also makes Pancreas juice. These juices contain enzymes that help digest food. The pancreas is the juice in a canal system to turn the town Gall. The common bile duct empties into the duodenum, the first section of the small intestine
Nobody knows the exact causes of cancer of the pancreas. Doctors can not explain why a person is cancer of the pancreas and other is not. It is clear, however, that this disease is not contagious. Nobody can "catch" cancer from another person.
Research has shown that people of certain risk factors are more than others to develop pancreatic cancer. A risk factor is a little high, a person, the chance of developing a disease.
Studies have shown that the following risk factors:
* Age - The likelihood of developing pancreatic cancer increases with age. Most tumors of the pancreas, occur in people of age 60.
* Smoking - smoking cigarettes, two or three times more than non-smokers to develop pancreatic cancer.
*Diabetes - pancreatic cancer occurs more frequently in patients with diabetes than in patients who do not.
* Men - More men than women with the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
* The African American - African-Americans are more than Asians, Hispanics or white, for pancreatic cancer.
*Family history - the risk of developing cancer of the pancreas has tripled, if a person of the mother, father, brother or sister's disease. In addition, a large family or ovarian cancer increases the risk of pancreatic cancer.
* Chronic pancreatitis - Chronic pancreatitis is a painful condition of the pancreas. Some signs of chronic pancreatitis, the risk of pancreatic cancer.
Other studies suggest that exposure to certain chemicals in the workplace or a diet high in fat may be the chance of cancer of the pancreas.
Most people with risk factors do not get cancer of the pancreas. On the other hand, many people do to have a disease, none of these factors. People who think that this would be a risk for pancreatic cancer should be this concern with their doctor. The doctor may be an indication of potential for reducing the risk and planning a suitable timetable for Checkups.
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