Prevent Colon Cancer In Men.

One of the biggest fear that men have is contracting colon cancer as these days it seems to be one they also talk about the most. The key to treating colon cancer is detecting it early and the survival rate is much higher than if you do not catch it. Let us look at something's you should know about colon cancer and also some tips to help you hopefully stay away from it.

The one thing that most men do not realize and that is colon cancer many times show no symptoms at all. This means you could actually have it and never know it until it is too late. One in four over the age of 50 can have in and the average age of someone with colon caner is around 64 years old. There are several things that you can do to reverse this trend though and get you moving in the right direction. Maybe the most important thing you can do is have a proper diet.

Most men do not follow a good diet and all that does is give you a greater chance for colon cancer. Studies also have shown that men who are overweight have a much higher chance of getting colon cancer than people who are not. Family medical history is also something that you will want to pay very close attention to. It has been proven that if anyone in your family has had it you're at a much higher risk to get it also. Follow some of the tips we have outlined to give you a better chance of not getting this disease.

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