Understanding Colon Cancer Symptom

The symptoms of colon cancer are not necessarily present in the initial stage of the problem. Mentioned below are some known symptoms of colon cancer. Change in Bowel Habits

Tumor in the bowel brings an observed change in the habits like defecating. In case the tumor is present at the side of the colon tube passage, it may result into the narrowing of the stool.
Cramping or Bloating in the Stomach

Another symptom in the list of colon cancer symptoms is bloating or cramping in the stomach. In the advanced stages of colon cancer, tumor perforating i.e. poking through near the wall of the bowel, can lead to extreme abdominal cramping.

Blood in the Stool.
There may be blood in the stool which is due to the bleeding of the tumor. Inexplicable Weight Loss

If you are losing weight without making any deliberate efforts, it is really something to ponder over. Tumors can also be the cause of anemia.
The best option is to have screening for colon cancer on regular basis instead of depending on appearance of colon cancer symptoms.

As a result, colon cancer is the third most diagnosed cancer in women and men in the United States. Moreover, only around 39% of colon cancer cases are detected early.

What Is Colon Cancer?
Colon cancer actually originates in the large intestines. Sometimes it is called colorectal cancer, and it refers to cancer the affects the rectum and or colon.

What Are Colon Cancer Symptoms?
The truth is that sometimes colon cancer doesn't present any symptoms.

summary about colon cancer symptoms by Angel CH & Eugene Williams.
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